Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The three best words in the English language

OUT FOR DELIVERY. Yep...my new lens will be here today. I am having trouble sitting still. Now, if I could just get that sun to peek out for a while after it gets here then we'll be good. Hopefully, I'll have new pics to share.

I've been tagged by Renee...for out takes. Let me see if I can dig some up. LOL, this shouldn't be too hard;)

oh...these two are some of my faves

In this you can just tell she's thinking "oh, what is this crap?"

I just love this one. This was one of the first times he actually agreed to have his photo taken...all in the name of keeping little sis from getting her taken. Hey, it works :p

So, I'm tagging three people....

Sheila, Stephanie,and JBu lets see your out takes!!!

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