Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Six things that make me really happy...

1. The sound of my kids laughing. Cori actually giggled tonight while she was in the bath with Cole...she's very sober and doesn't laugh often. That little giggle was one of the best things I have ever heard.

2. Going out for a nice quiet dinner at a place called The Depot with my husband. It reminds me of an entirely different place where we had more options than Applebee's for a sit down dinner. Thankfully, now we have The Depot and they have this incredible feta dressing with dill...tdf!

3. Sleeping late on a weekend morning

4. A great cup of coffee and I'm not talking Folger's here people ;)

5. Cooking dinner for my family and watching them enjoy it and love it.

6. Listening to Cole sing and seeing Cori dance.

Okay, off to find six people that haven't been tagged...


amy gretchen said...

I would definitely have to ego the first 3. Love all those things.

Unknown said...

Hey Julie,
Can you come cook for my family? I hate to cook, but I love to eat! :)

gm@treasure said...

I love my coffee too. Coffee in Fiji is very good- don't forget to come visit (lol)! -meg

Julie C Butler said...

Yes - you can come cook for my family anytime too .. LOL!
Love your list .. don't worry about me - I've been tagged already too !!