I really enjoyed reading
Amy's post, 100 things about me. This was fun but challenging. I'd love to hear yours!
100 things
1. I am nearly obsessive/compulsive about washing my hands.
2. I took Microbiology in college and really enjoyed it but came out of it a germophobe
3. I spend way too much time on my computer
4. I am usually confident but when it comes to raising my kids, I feel a lot less confident.
5. I love drinking coffee when it is cold outside
6. My favorite condiment is salsa and I like different kinds of salsa depending on my mood
7. I am an only child
8. My husband and I married after dating for only 6 months
9. We lived at least 10 hours apart for at least 5 of those 6 months
10. Marrying him was the best decision I have ever made
11. I really miss living in Texas
12. If I lived in Texas, I would really miss my family
13. A couple of my online friends are fast becoming some of my closest friends
14. I played the clarinet from 5th grade until I was a senior in high school.
15. I didn’t get very good grades in high school
16. I made awesome grades in college
17. I have a bachelor’s degree in Biology with I minor in Chemistry
18. If I could go back, I would probably major in Chemistry or something photography related
19. I used to be very, very shy
20. My dh is six years younger than me
21. I miss the social aspect of having employment in sales.
22. My favorite candy bar is a Snicker bar with almonds
23. I wish it would snow more often
24. I am happiest when I have something difficult and challenging to learn
25. I get frustrated with my daughter because she is demanding and moody
26. My daughter is a lot like me
27. I am assertive and not easily intimidated
28. My husband is one of my dearest friends
29. I don’t normally mind what people think of me
30. I can’t wait to go to Nashville this Spring to meet some friends
31. I could live on Tostitos, Ortega taco sauce and cheddar cheese
32. I don’t care for people that try to push their opinions on me
33. I am married for the second time and although the first marriage may seem like a huge mistake, I learned more from that experience than any other in my life
34. I am a night owl, always have been, always will be
35. My son sleeps with us nearly every night and I am tired of it
36. I love Lancome cosmetics but if I really want to indulge I go for Christian Dior
37. When I was pregnant with my son, I would go to Paciugo almost every day for gelato
38. I don’t like being pregnant and I don’t like having C-sections but I love falling in love with a new baby
39. My husband and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary with a trip to Hawaii this year
40. Sometimes I can’t believe I am actually 35 years old
41. I really enjoy getting catalogs from Pottery Barn Kids
42. I stress about spending money and getting the most for my money
43. I do at least two loads of laundry a day but I am awful about putting it away
44. I *love* eating out
45. One of the best meals I have ever had was Filet Mignon at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in North Dallas
46. My husband loves to cook and I should let him more often
47. My mother loves to iron, I don’t even know where my iron is
48. I want a Mac, I have been breaking it softly to my dh so in a couple years when it is time to replace my pc, he won’t be blind sighted by it.
49. If I had a dime for every book I owned, I could probably make a large dent in piece of L glass
50. I love lilies and tulips
51. My son’s name is a combination of the only two names my dh and I could agree on
52. One of my best friends paid me a surprise visit last night
53. I love going on ATV rides with my husband and our friends
54. One of my favorite home cooked meals is baked ham with pineapple gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and scalloped corn.
55. Did I mention I could eat my weight in salsa?...never the store bought kind though
56. I am not as patient with my children as I should be
57. I’ve made my dh promise to never take my daughter hunting with him, I just don’t think it is ladylike to kill animals
58. I hope that the people I encounter feel empowered by our exchange
59. I rarely watch television but I like to watch Miami ink
60. My husband and I are talking of getting matching tattoos….something to do with our kids. We’ll see, I don’t know if I can do it
61. I am super excited to take a class at ppsop in January
62. I love to people watch, sometimes I have to comment
63. My daughter’s name is Corissa, but we call her Cori for short
64. I have terrible seasonable allergies and the only medication that helps makes me too sleepy to function
65. I love old barns
66. I led a very sheltered life when I was younger
67. I gave my Mom a run for her money when I was a senior in high school
68. I rarely wear hairspray anymore, I wore enough for a lifetime in the 80’s
69. I really need to be cleaning house but this is fun
70. I can’t wait to take pictures outside this spring
71. After seeing tlmnightowl’s post of her daughter on 2ps, I am going to have to have that 100 mm 2.8 macro lens
72. I love to read…..love, love, love to read.
73. I have anxiety attacks every once in a while
74. My son is attached to a duck, I love his duck as much or more than he does
75. My daughter starts whining and fussing, sometime screaming around 4:30 and doesn’t stop until here Daddy comes home. While this is becoming quite irritating, I love the she has a special bond with her Daddy
76. I adore watching my husband play with our kids
77. In my wildest dream, I will shoot weddings
78. Sometimes I get really frustrated with the small town mentality of the people where I live
79. I don’t like Barney, he is terribly annoying
80. I run the vacuum everyday, I can’t stand the thought of my baby eating something off the floor
81. My daughter ate cat food this morning…ewwwww
82. I am really concerned about my friend that stopped by last night, her life is difficult right now and I wish I could do more for her
83. I nearly passed out cold giving a toast at my sil’s wedding last fall
84. I once drank a whole fifth of Southern Comfort and was sick for 3 days
85. I still drink a bit but not nearly that much
86. I have one of the most supportive and loving husbands I know
87. I don’t like being around negative people
88. I need to eat more vegetables
89. It really bugs me that my husband has deer meat in the freezer
90. I wish I could learn faster and know more
91. I sleep really well when I can hear rain hitting the window and roof
92. I am my own worst critic
93. My favorite kitchen gadget is a microplane
94. I have yet to frame or hang an image that I have taken with my camera
95. I am amazed at how many msn screen names LadyRen has
96. I drink 2 or 3 cans of diet pepsi a day. I need to drink more water
97. I have to have the television on to go to sleep and I prefer to watch the Animal Planet
98. I think the comedian/ventriloquist that has puppets named Jose jalapeno and Peanut is hilarious but I can’t remember his name for anything
99. I despise cleaning. One of the first things I will do when I start working again is hire someone to clean the house
100. I can’t wait to read everyone else’s 100 things